things that make me want to punch you in the face

using the “15 items or less” checkout lanes in the grocery store when you have way more than 15 items

tYPe lIk3 DiS..




checking that “also send email to your circles” box in google plus for your stupid shit. ESPECIALLY when i don’t know you

playing dumb

not taking responsibility for your actions

having one of those calvin peeing on something decals on your car

putting your stupid baby as your profile picture on social media. all. the. time.

putting QR codes on your website

punching me in the face

using IE6 (or IE8)

adding me to your “buywhatevercrapyouareselling group” on Facebook

hurting my friends

stubbing my toe on something you left lying around

being a douchebag

being rude

asking me to put a QR code on your website

#completely #misusing #hashtags #by #typing #like #this #in #Instagram

not caring about others around you


disrespecting others

auto DM’s

telemarketing calls

not listening

Using reply-to-all to tell people to stop using reply-to-all

having a full window/car display of an american flag and/or eagle with american flag, etc.

not following through with things you commit to

pretending to listen, but instead you’re really just listening for when the other person is done talking so you can reiterate your side of the argument





denying climate change

calling yourself a “social media expert”

taking my stuff

having any sort of bumper sticker with “learn english you’re in america” or similar ignorant statements


slowly jaywalking while cars are coming

driving in a lane that you know will close, because you can see all the signs that everyone else seems to be obeying

self righteousness

adding me to that same group MULTIPLE times after i leave the group

those auto generated horoscope tweets

laziness (i mean, like, all the time)


hitch balls

cutting in front of me in line

cutting me off in traffic

not thinking about others around you


leaving broken glass and litter around a public park

bluetooth douche bags

sending emails filled with “u” “ur” “lol” “def” “lmao” etc.

sending a million messages / emails / invites / dms (etc) about yourself or your stupid blog


unnecessary group facebook messages